Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Coulter 100% Correct on Roberts Nomination

Up to now, my takes on the John Roberts SCOTUS nomination have been about his confirmability and the predictable attacks by the Left, as I have been reserving judgment about what kind of a Supreme Court Justice he will actually be...but I think Ann Coulter hits the nail on the head with her July 27 piece on Roberts.

The fact of the matter is, we dont know, we can't know, what kind of Justice Roberts will be. Every time conservatives think "strict constructionism" of the Constitution is gaining a foothold on the Court, we get fooled. As Coulter points out, President George H.W. Bush, Newt Gingrich and John Willke of National Right to Life all thought David Souter was a good choice. No one would have guessed that the appointment of Harry Blackmun would result in Roe v. Wade, or that Sandra Day O'Connor would wind up being the swing vote in many cases favoring the liberal agenda.

So if you want to be happy about the Roberts nomination, fine, but I wouldn't start whistling "Don't Worry, Be Happy" just yet. I would have preferred it if President Bush had really decided to pick a conservative that everybody knew was a conservative and "gone to the mattresses" for him, rather than picking a "stealth" nominee that might backfire on us in five years.

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