Saturday, May 28, 2005

Almost Whoville... West Virginia

Apparently Dr. Seuss fans had better watch their step in Wheeling, WV...Norman Gray was arrested last Tuesday morning for refusing to
remove his Grinch mask at the request of the police. It is illegal for anyone over 16 to wear a mask in public. Norman is 42.

Hmmm...On the one hand, I would almost like to come down on Norm's side seems sort of petty to arrest a guy for wearing a Grinch
mask on a city street without something more...say, indecent
exposure--or a gun? On the other hand...what is a grown man doing
wearing a Grinch mask on a city street? Norm, buddy, you're 42...I
would even defend your right to wear the mask up to the point the police explained the law to you...but for a 42 year-old man to defy the police so he can wear a Grinch mask seems a little straaaaange to me.

If I was wearing my Yoda outfit, and the police...uh, um, never
mind...that's another story.

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