Friday, May 27, 2005

Jellybeans...Ya Gotta Love Jellybeans

I am sitting here scarfing down a few Jolly Rancher jelly beans, which are my current beans of choice...I have to tell you, I think Jelly Bellies are way overpriced and I will take a bag of Jolly Ranchers over the 10 or 12 jellybeans Jelly Belly gives you for the same price...

I mean, come on...$6.99 or $7.99 a pond for jelly beans? I resist paying that much for steak (which I only buy on sale, and usually when there's a red tag on it saying "Special Today Only," which means they have to throw it out if they don't sell it that day...yum), so I'm sure not going to pay that much for jelly beans...

Any other candy lovers out there? What's the candy of choice for you?

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